Sunday, August 12, 2018

#1:Dear Abby: Sloppy bride borrows dress, doesn’t invite lender to wedding

<===================================================================> - #1:Dear Abby: Sloppy bride borrows dress, doesn’t invite lender to wedding

Dear Abby: My co-worker and supposed friend asked if she could borrow my wedding dress because she thought it was so beautiful. I was thrilled to lend it to her and paid for the alterations ($200 plus) as her wedding present. I accompanied her to her fittings and helped her plan her wedding for approximately 100
friends and family. The kicker: My husband and I were not invited to the wedding, and when she returned my gown, it had lipstick on it and cake down the front. It wasn’t even in a bag - she just handed it to me. What should I think about this? Flabbergasted in Florida Dear Flabbergasted: You should conclude that your co-worker and “friend” is someone with no class whatsoever. Have the


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