Although this story and the photos are heart-warming and cute, we do not encourage our readers to feed wildlife. Feeding wildlife interferes with the balance between wildlife populations and their habitat and could lead them to be reliant on humans for survival, amongst other problems. If you find an animal in need, contact
a local wildlife rehabber/rescuer or veterinarian ASAP, or call a rescue hotline. Here are some that might help!
Unlike adults, children don’t have the same inhibitions or apprehension when it comes to interacting with animals. Children are highly empathetic and surprise us everyday with their willingness to put the needs of the animals
they love before even their own. While some adults maintain this compassion for animals, it seems to be a rare occurrence. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t all take a page from the children’s book of compassion!
This little boy, Matteo Walch, has some pretty unusual best friends. Unlike other children who might call a dog or cat their companion, Matteo calls a group of Alpine Marmots his friends.
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