Saturday, October 24, 2015

#2:Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer

cnn news - #2:Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer

With the fierce Twitter tirades she routinely unleashes against ideological foes — particularly American patriots and supporters of Israel — Linda Sarsour could be the scariest political player you may never have
heard of.

Until now.

Sarsour, a Muslim activist and ally of Mayor Bill de Blasio, blasted into the mainstream in August with a fawning profile published in The New York Times
 headlined: “Linda Sarsour is a Brooklyn Homegirl in a Hijab.” Although at age 35, the married mother of three who favors hijabs, or Muslim headscarves, is hardly a girl.

President Obama named Sarsour one of his “Champions of Change.” The daughter of Palestinian immigrants, who told the Times that she wed in an arranged marriage at age 17, is described on the White House website like this: “Ambitious, outspoken and independent, Linda shatters stereotypes of Muslim women, also treasuring her religious and ethnic heritage.”

But some observers got acquainted with Sarsour’s anti-Americanism two weeks after the politically correct Newspaper of Record lionized her. Sarsour, who serves as executive director of the generously city-taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York, based in her native Brooklyn, responded when Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz tweeted, “America is and remains a nation built on Judeo-Christian values.”

“Genocide & slavery?” she shot back.

Put aside for a moment that the ills about which Sarsour complains do not exist in the United States today, but plague parts of the Muslim world. Sarsour contends that Israel and American supporters of the Jewish state are responsible for slaughter in the Mideast.

Her outrageous online assaults sank to a depressing level this month, when Sarsour tweeted a picture of a small Palestinian boy standing before Israeli soldiers clutching rocks in both hands. She added the words, “The definition of courage.”


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